
Thursday, January 18, 2007


My parents are gone yet again on another trip down south. This time they are in St. Kitts, and no, they are not at the Capri Inn on Ontario St. Not “St. Catharines – St. Kitts” I mean the “real” St. Kitts in the Caribbean. This is where our farm workers are from, my parents have always told them that they would love to one day come and visit them at home, now they finally are. So once again Bandit and I hold the fort.
Well the week is almost over and I still haven’t had to cook anything yet, kinda nice, but the fridge is now empty of leftovers and I have begun my grocery list. Another bonus is getting invited out for dinner, my Opa and Oma had me over for dinner last night and I had a great time.
I love my Opa and Oma. My relationship with my grandparents has had an amazing impact on my life. They have both been a big part of my childhood and contributed greatly to my development in both my spiritual and daily life. I have so many good memories with them when I look back, from sleepovers at their house with friends to visiting them yearly in their Florida home. I have also learned lots from them over the years from the many conversations with them, as well as learning from how they live their lives with the principles and values that they hold strong to. I love my Opa and Oma, and I thank them for their part in shaping the person that I am today.
Last night I was able to have a wonderful evening together with them. My Oma’s cooking is always delicious, Jeopardy is always educational, and our conversation was both spiritually uplifting and filling with knowledge from their life experiences. To sit down in conversation with them I am always eager to gain wisdom from their experiences of life. If asked, my Opa would humbly admit that he is not wise, but I have to disagree, his character and his life inspire me. There is so much that I have already and can continue to learn from him. I am truly blessed to have such wonderful and loving grandparents in my life.
I am still young, I have the rest of my life to develop my character, I can only hope that one day I too will be blessed (God willing) to sit down in conversation with my grandson and inspire him.

The fear of the Lord is the begining of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and insruction.
-Proverbs 1:7

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You are truly blessed to still have your Oma and Opa.
I only had my Baba's. (Ukrainian for grandmother)
Learn from them, love them and like all things, cherish them.
Live each day to the fullest and take nothing for granted, it may not be there tomorrow.
You are an awesome person and your grandchildren and children will be very very blessed to have you!!!
I know that I am a better person because I know you. :)