
Sunday, September 25, 2005

Underground chillin' with the Mole Man, and his whole Fam...

Back underground I go... Again into the depths of Mount Nemo...
Side Note* Don't let the name fool you "Mount" refers not so much to a Mountain, but to a slightly higer elevation than the flat ground below.
The team of Spelunkers is Me, Brad, Jordan, and Sarah


brando said...

holy. you guys are starting an adventure club out there. i'm disappointed that i'm not able to join. perhaps i could be a visiting adventurer with an honourary membership? my first alpine club of canada meeting is tuesday; should be good...soon i'll be playing with the big boys in the big playground!

brando said...

hey- did you make it back to the big cave? jordan said that last time he and brad weren't able to find it.

brando said...

don't. configure your site to requre word verification for comments, then automated programs can't leave unsolicited ads.